
Were proud earthlings living in a digital world. With the onslaught of the internet, a lot of things have seen a new high. Amongst many such disciplines, Digital Marketing is already carving its own niche for aspirants to follow suit. So, unlike a lot of institutes and training agencies in the teaching market today, who are on a constant high to woo more people into their folds and turn them into saleable products, you are lucky for youve saved yourself from all the drama by finding us! Nonetheless, we wouldnt use all those cliched adjectives to describe what we do at Digital Skool! Precisely, were those bunch of practiced youngsters wanting to erase the theoretical boundaries to raise the benchmark of real-time learning. So, we do not confine you to the four-walled classroom and expect you to think out of the box!

We discuss strategies, case studies, analytics and all that Advanced Digital Marketing consists of in LIVE! Because, Digital Marketing has to be learnt the Digital way, so why not give those big fat boring books some rest?!

Second of all, we breathe Digital Marketing in and out. For all you know, it is one crazy domain where every action will have an equal and opposite reaction and a social media overreaction. And as Digital Marketers, our job is to make and get the right reactions from the target audience using the digital means! In other words, we ought to not only be social but do social too. Simple, yeah?

People enrolling with us would be lucky enough to work on live projects everyday during their course time. Brainstorming, Discussing ideas in groups, exchange of thoughts and opinions, and spinning a web of concepts logically is our main motto. We provoke you to think by putting you in the shoes of your future self dealing a situation, or a case study, and not dictate theories to you. Go party, now!

Students shall be assessed based on their individual performances. And no, we dont have Parent Teacher meets or progress reports to embarrass you with! Take a chill pill, bruh!

Whats the cherry on the cake is that your trained potential will be verily certified by us and Google! Exciting much? Something even better is one gets to work on two projects as part of their training course. So, flaunt your resume with some weight.

Whats all the more enticing is that we also have you shielded well before you face the field. Mock interviews and tests are conducted for us to boast of % placement assistance! Of course we would, because were sure of you to be exposed to many career choices to pick from!

You can thank us later!

Students Trained


No. 439, 3rd floor, Padmavathi plaza, Bhagya Nagar Colony,, , KPHB Colony, Hyderabad – 500085, Near KPHB Bustop.
K P H B (Hyderabad) - 500072
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Open hours today: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
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    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

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    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

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    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Thursday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Friday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Saturday

    9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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  • April 19, 2024 12:01 pm local time

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